I am not aware of there being any such path.
Perhaps there is some logical conflation going on. The article The Dark Side of Good Trips does not say anything about the use of psychedelics in Theravada contexts.
Rather, it follows a somewhat classical style of exposition: the diagnosis of a symptom.
First it describes the problem: for some people, good trips eventually lead to bad outcomes.
Second, a cause is identified. Bad outcomes arise because there is a problem with (psychedelic) integration. More specifically, a glimpse of enlightenment is not properly integrated into one's daily life.
Third, the cause can be eliminated; in this case by working at proper integration.
Finally, a prescription is given. Here, we describe a "slow road" to the full integration and embodiment of such glimpses, through contemplative practice.
The Pali Canon Buddha used this method of exposition to great effect in presenting his four noble truths. I can only hope to someday make my writing as efficient and precise as his example.
The article is not about psychedelic use as such, but about its unfortunate aftermath.
Thank you for your example of the use of tea in Buddhist meditation.
I do not quite know how to respond to your comment about it sometimes being superior to remove oneself from society. If this is your experience, then obviously your statement holds true.
I do not personally hold strong views on the matter. The article I wrote proposes a different solution, as that is one I am familiar with.
There probably are similarities between the Yogic eight-limbed path and the Buddhist eightfold one, although there are also differences.
On the one hand, both contain emphases on morality and meditative absorption.
OTOH, both the methods and the goals of the two paths appear to diverge, in how they are currently interpreted.
I am however no religious scholar, so don't take anything I say about these path comparisons all too seriously.