Hi Jane, Thanks for your thoughtful and well-crafted reply.
I think experiences like yours happen more often than we would like to believe. As you say even without the use of mind-altering chemicals, my first few EDEs came about through dreams.
Your points are well-taken.
I am not at all familiar with shamanic traditions - of which I gather there are many - and I value your input on this. To be honest, I was not aware there was such a thing as Norse shamanism. Or Old Path and New Age shamans. Or sorcerers.
I might do some more investigating.
I really like what you said about the need for integration of the EDE into one's current existence, and the natural reorientation that happens because of it.
There is a bigger perspective that becomes natural to inhabit, not in any way that fosters indifference, but in a thoroughly engaged, caring, and sensitive way, as if some fundamental distinction has dropped away.
But here I am preaching again while all I wanted to say is thanks for sharing Jane!